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All the Pretty Poses Page 9
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Page 9
“Very well. I’ll let Mr. Spencer know.”
“Thank you.”
If Reese wants a show tonight, I’ll give him a show. A show for his guests. Just like I was hired to do. He’ll see that I’m not his and that I never will be.
It took every bit of willpower that I have not to go to Kennedy’s room earlier. It’s not often that I have to wait very long for something that I want. But Kennedy is different. We have history. A lot of history. And she’s determined to let that be an issue. But as much as I don’t like it and as hard as it is to go slow, I’m equally determined to do whatever is necessary to get her in my bed again. What began as a simple desire has blossomed into an obsession. She’s under my skin, in my blood, and I won’t be satisfied until I can feel her wanting me from the inside, tight and wet.
When nine o’clock finally rolls around and we are gathered in the show room, surrounded by crushed velvet covered walls and the deep thump of music, I’m so anxious I’m ready to snap.
With a casualness that belies my coiled insides, I stretch out my legs in front of me and sip my seventy-year-old scotch, my eyes glued to the curtain through which Kennedy should soon be emerging. When the lights dim further and the music fades, I feel like both holding my breath in anticipation and exhaling it in relief.
Michael Bublé’s voice drifts from the speakers. We all fall quiet and watch, waiting for Kennedy to appear. Only she doesn’t. He sings the first few lines and there’s no sign of her. The curtain parts the slightest bit and a straight-backed chair glides smoothly across the polished floor of the stage, but still no Kennedy.
The singer’s voice carries softly on, my anticipation rising with it. Then, just as the music starts up with a blare of horns, the curtain parts with a flourish and out struts Kennedy. She’s wearing a hat again. A tall, black top hat set at a cocky angle that hides her face in shadow. It perfectly complements the tuxedo shirt and jacket that she’s wearing.
Moving in time with the music, Kennedy walks past the chair, reaching behind her to drag it along with her as she moves closer to center stage. When the horns stop, Kennedy whips the chair around, raises one long leg and plants a high, high heel in the seat. She’s wearing nothing from the waist down but shiny black panties that I get a glimpse of every now and again. I’ve never wanted to rip a tuxedo off someone before. But I do now. More than I would ever comfortably admit to.
Kennedy folds her upper body over her bent leg, trailing her fingertips from her ankle to the top of her thigh, pushing the tails of the tux back just enough to give me a gut-clenching glimpse of her deliciously-formed ass. She whirls again, turning to sit primly on the edge of the chair before leaning back and easing into the floor, her legs spreading into a perfect split before she reaches behind her and flips the chair over, setting it down in front of her.
For just over three minutes, I watch her work that chair. She reminds me of a cat rubbing its long, slender body in and around the legs, stretching over the back and winding around the seat. It isn’t until her dance is nearly over that she rips her hat off, like I saw her do that night at Exotique, and throw it into the crowd.
Only this time she throws it to Sig.
Her hair floats around her face, but it doesn’t conceal it, so I can plainly see the smile that she gives him. I can also plainly see the look that she gives him as she straddles the chair and arches her back. My blood goes from boiling to icy in those few seconds. I have to grit my teeth when I hear Sig say, “Come here and I’ll help you with the rest of that outfit.”
Kennedy grins at him, the tip of her tongue sneaking out at one corner of her mouth. For a few seconds, I think of standing up, taking my own chair in hand and swinging it right into Sig’s face until I hear bone crunch. But I don’t. God knows how, but I don’t.
I’m fuming as Kennedy ends her dance and walks in that loose-limbed way she has off the stage and back through the curtain. I sit silently in my chair, listening to Hemi and Sloane as I seethe, thinking to myself that Sig will keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him.
“I wish I was sexy like that,” Sloane says to Hemi, still talking about Kennedy’s performance.
“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, baby. If that had been you up there, dancing in half of a tuxedo, you’d be lying naked on that stage right now. Covered only by me.”
“Good God! Will you two shut the hell up? I was having a damn fine time until my ears started to bleed,” Sig complains.
When I can’t stand it any longer, I jump up out of my seat and onto the stage before the next word is said. I stride across the shiny black surface and duck between the two halves of the heavy curtain in search of Kennedy. Only she isn’t back stage. I stomp around for a minute, looking for her in all the logical places before I take off down the hall to the front of the boat where the crew quarters are located. When I reach her room, I’m still irate as I raise my fist to bang on her door.
I consider not answering the first harsh thumping that I hear, but when the second round of knocks is enough to make the panel rattle on its hinges, I figure I’d better open it before he damages something. The last thing I need is to be blamed for Reese breaking down my flimsy cabin door.
I walk to the door and fling it open, ready to shoot fire at Reese. Right up until I see how irate he looks. That gives me pause.
Grabbing me by my upper arms, Reese hauls me up against his chest and walks me backward into my room, kicking the door shut behind him.
“What the hell was that all about?”
I refuse to shrink from his anger. Instead, I meet it with a calm, matter-of-fact attitude that I don’t really feel, but am glad I could dredge up anyway.
“I danced. I entertained. Just like I was hired to do.”
“I didn’t hire you to flirt with every man on this ship,” Reese spits furiously.
“I thought that was just part of my performance. Like cozying up to you today on deck.”
I know my words strike a chord when I see his eyes flash with a dark light. “Well then I guess I’ll just have to take full advantage of your employment then.”
His quiet yet somehow even angrier voice triggers my own temper again. “Is that why you sent me those lab results? You think working for you should include sleeping with you? If that’s the case, then you can just drop me off at the next port and I’ll find my own way home.”
“I had Karesh give those to you so that you’d feel comfortable about everything when the time comes. As for when you end up in my bed,” he says with emphasis, “you can rest assured that it won’t be because you’re doing your job. You’ll be there because you can’t stand not to feel my hands on you. Because you can’t stand not to have my mouth on you.”
“You’ll be waiting a long time then, because I’m just fine without either of those.”
“Is that right?” Reese asks, a strange look on his face. It only takes me a few seconds to realize what it is. It’s resolve. Reese thinks I’m challenging him. And I can tell by the set of his jaw that he’s more than willing to accept.
His grip tightens around my arms and he swings me around and plasters me up against the door as his body crashes into mine. The action startles me, making me gasp. Reese takes full advantage of my open mouth, covering it with his own.
The instant his tongue touches mine, I lose all ability to think straight. All I can do is feel and taste and remember. The onslaught is so unexpected, so familiar that it takes my senses by storm.
The taste of him hasn’t changed. The scent of him, that clean, manly smell, is still there under the hint of his expensive cologne. And the feel of him…God help me, I’ve never been able to forget the way his body feels against mine. Every hard plane, every rigid muscle is pressed into my soft flesh, warming it. Exciting it.
Reese turns his head to the side, deepening the kiss as he slides his fingers down my arms to intertwine them with
mine and raise our clasped hands above my head on the door. He leans further into me, his erection digging into my belly. My head is spinning dizzily as he lowers our hands then releases mine so that he can push my tux jacket from my shoulders.
His lips and tongue dazzle me as his fingers work the tiny buttons of my shirt. I don’t know when I drove my hands into his hair, but I’m suddenly aware of the silky, spiky feel of it, reminding me of passionate kisses just like this so long ago.
The first touch of Reese’s hands against the bare skin of my abdomen nearly shakes me from my thrall, but then they’re sliding around my waist, down to cup my butt and lift me off my feet. Automatically, my legs wind around him, giving us the perfect intimate contact. Reese moans into my mouth, sending a burst of electricity straight to my core.
Pleasure has taken over, pleasure at his kiss, at the little sounds he’s making, at the way he feels against every surface of my body. My head falls back on my shoulders of its own volition, giving Reese full access to my throat. His lips sear a path from my ear to my collarbone and then I’m falling, falling, falling.
I feel the mattress at my back just as Reese parts my shirt and closes his mouth over my nipple. I feel the heat and the moisture of his tongue through the thin material of my bra and I cry out, clasping his head to me as he grinds his hips between my spread legs.
But then, as quickly as it began, it’s over. Reese is lifting his head, staring down into my face. His breathing is as uneven as mine and his eyes are glistening pools in the gorgeous landscape of his face.
“I’ve never forgotten you, Kennedy. I’ve never stopped thinking about you, about us. I want you. And you know that. I promise you,” he says, dipping his head to kiss my chin, “that I’ll make you want to come to me.” He flexes his hips as though thrusting into me even though there are clothes between us. “Just don’t fight it too long.”
Straightening his arms to lift his weight off me, Reese brushes his lips once over mine and once over my still-aching nipple. Then, easing off the bed, he walks across the floor and right out the door, closing it gently behind him.
Three days later, we have finally reached our first port—Hawaii. The whole ship is abuzz with excitement and activity.
For myself, I don’t really know what to do. I haven’t seen or heard from Reese this morning, so I’m not sure what my role is. Every other day, he’s come to get me practically as soon as I wake up. He works out while I work out then he takes me up on deck with him for the day. Then, each evening, he comes to get me for dinner.
Until today.
I’ve seen no sign of him yet.
It annoys me that I’m disappointed, that I miss his early-morning visit. I tell myself that I’ve just come to expect it, but I know it’s more than that. As promised, Reese is weaving a spell over me that’s making me want to go to him more and more with every night that passes. He hasn’t had me dance again since that one night when he came to my room afterward. When it’s bedtime, I’ve lain awake every night, wondering if he’ll come to me again, thinking of what I’ll do if he does. Then, when he doesn’t, I toss and turn until light dawns over the sea and he comes for me again in the morning.
Until today.
Just as I’m getting ready to head to my workout with Brian, there is a knock at my door. My smile is automatic. That is, until I open it and see Sloane standing where Reese should be.
Her mouth is turned down, her expression one of sadness.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, a bit alarmed.
She reaches out and wraps her arms around me, pulling me to her and squeezing me tightly. “I just wish you were coming with us.”
I grin, relieved and flattered. “I do, too, but I have to work, so…”
She leans back to look at me, the light of friendship gleaming in her eyes. “Well, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again.” She gives me a wink and grabs my hand. “Come on. You have to say goodbye to Hemi and Sig. Otherwise, Sig will pout the whole rest of the trip.”
I laugh, quickly pulling my door shut behind me as she drags me off down the hall. I liked Sloane from day one and I really will miss her on board.
When we reach the top of the stairs, I look out the window and see Reese walking away from Hemi and Sig. He must’ve been saying his own goodbyes. My eyes watch the spot where he disappeared as we make our way out into the sun, but there’s no sign of his return. I try not to feel too disappointed by that.
Hemi is waiting for us with a smile when Sloane and I reach him. Sloane snuggles up under his arm, like she so often does, and turns her adoring eyes up to him as he speaks. “Sure you don’t want to come with us?” he asks me. “I’m sure Sig wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
I glance at Sig who’s shaking his head vigorously. “Not. One. Bit.”
I grin. I can’t help but like these people. “I guess I’d better stay on board. A girl’s gotta work.”
“And what fine work you do, if I might say so myself, Ms. Moore,” Sig teases with a twirl of his imaginary mustache.
“I’ll admit it’s probably going to be all boring around here once you all leave.”
I see the look Hemi and Sloane share. “Ummm, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” Sloane says. “I think Reese will be keeping you plenty busy.” She gives me an exaggerated wink and I laugh, dismissing her comment with a wave of my hand, but secretly thrilled by her speculation.
“Just be careful,” Hemi says, less than playfully. “Reese is a pretty driven guy.”
“I know. I’ve known that for a long time.”
A strange silence falls between us until Sig pulls me in for a tight hug. “Anytime you feel like traveling south, you give me a call. I’ll show you southern comfort like you’ve never even dreamed of!” he drawls, twitching his eyebrows up and down.
I lightly slap his arm and he releases me. I’m still shaking my head at his antics as the trio make their way off the yacht, leaving me at loose ends again until the clients arrive and somebody tells me what the hell I’m supposed to do with myself.
I make my way back to my room. I haven’t been inside for five minutes before there’s another knock at my door. Once again, my stomach lurches in anticipation, but this time I open the door to see Brian standing there.
“Welcome to play day in the woods, little red riding hood,” he says with a broad smile.
“Since we don’t have clients until tonight, we get the day to explore a little. Do you have plans?”
“Ummm, not that I know of.”
“Well then get your stuff. You’re coming with me,” he says enthusiastically. “There are a couple of places we love to visit on the island when we get the chance, but Lee can’t come. So you’re my companion for the day. Wear comfortable shoes and a bathing suit. And bring a hat. And a towel. I’ll meet you up top in twenty minutes.”
With that, he leans down and kisses my cheek before trotting off the way he’d come.
I’m thankful that Brian and I have fast become friends. I really like him. And even though I’m pleased that he’d ask me to accompany him and that he’s sort of looking out for me, I’m still disappointed that I haven’t heard from Reese.
As I pack a cross-body tote with the essentials, including a towel, I remind myself that this is Hawaii and that I don’t need Reese to have a good time or to enjoy such a beautiful place. I’m still telling myself that as I head for the upper deck to meet Brian.
It turns out that not having fun with Brian is a practical impossibility. What started out as a bit of a down morning leads to a beautiful day in Hawaii. He first takes me to where a rented Jeep is waiting to carry us the few miles to a hiking path that leads to the top of Hualalai Volcano. Following that, we go shopping in Kailua Kona and then we take a short bike trip to a private beach beyond a thatch of forest near the coast. There, we swim in the most heavenly waters on earth.
As we splash around in the crystal clear Pacific, we ch
it chat about things that any friends might talk of, including our love lives.
“Yeah, Lee and I usually come here together. It’s a great place to get a little alone time when clients or employers or other crew members aren’t watching.” He gives me a conspiratorial wink.
“So you and Lee are…are…”
“Lovers?” he asks with a grin. “Yes, you can say it.”
“I didn’t mean…I mean…I’m just not used to talking about this kind of thing with anybody.”
“Don’t you have girlfriends to talk to back home?”
I shrug, focusing on the flutter of my hands just beneath the glistening surface. “Not really. It’s hard for me to get close to people.”
“Well, then let’s bond, girl,” Brian says with a flourish. “Come on,” he says, taking my hand and towing me back toward shore. “Let’s get free.”
“What’s getting free?” I ask, pushing my legs through the water to keep up with him so that he doesn’t actually start to drag me.
“That’s when we strip down and get some sun all over.”
I pull back against the grip he has on my hand. “You’ve got to be joking! I am not taking off my clothes in public.”
Brian stops to give me a dubious look. “This is hardly public,” he says, sweeping his hand across the empty, tree-lined beach.
“But still…”
“But nothing. You need to loosen up. And I’m just the person to help you do it.”
“Not likely.”
Brian stops again, frowning down at me. “What is it? Have you neglected your grooming? Are you hiding a Rapunzel-length braid down there somewhere?”